A skills-based course for HIV Counseling, Testing, and Linkage (CTL) professionals is called the HIV Counseling, Testing, and Linkage Course. To be eligible for certification and participation in the course, participants must comply with the following requirements:
Please use the same email address to register for your Public Health Academy account.
Participants are required to attend the complete in-person or online course.
Participants are required to engage fully in the course and demonstrate the abilities they have learned.
We’ll evaluate the skill level of each participant.
A DPH-funded HIV testing and counseling facility must be the sponsor of the participant, either directly or indirectly.
Approximately 7–14 days before the chosen course date, accepted applicants will get an email confirming their registration. You will be informed if you are not accepted for this course and given the reason why.
The GA DPH State Office does not cover travel-related costs like hotel, meals, or parking or mileage charges.