Welcome to the online Learning Management System (LMS)

Let's start by learning more to help medical professionals understand the recommendations that the Georgia Department of Public Health has established.

Start learning from our experts.

Start learning from our experts.

Enhance your skills with us.

Enhance your skills with us.


Learn More About HIV

Courses Available for Training This Month

To increase your understanding of HIV principles and procedures for HIV Prevention & Care efforts.

Benefits of learning with the Learning Mangement System (LMS)

The various courses offered by Georgia DPH on testing and counseling will need completion of the online courses and training modules. The ultimate goal is to improve the current educational process by facilitating end users' easy access to HIV content.

Professional<br> Courses


Live<br> Learning


Expert<br> Teachers


Our Partners

We have highly experienced trainers

 we provide you with up-to-date knowledge on HIV basics and procedures for testing.